Friday 12 September 2008

Ello there!

Alrite there my lovers?!

As I warned several of you, I've set up one of these newfangled blog things so I can regale you all with the stories of my adventures into Europe! First stop, Barcelona! So over the course of the next however many months, I'll keep all my news updated on here, rather than assail your inboxes with reams of stories that will probably be more annoying than anything else...though obviously I will still be glued to Facebook and my email is always grateful for a message! ;)

Ok, I guess this entry is sort of cheating, as I'm still technically in England...but the packing process is under way, which is all part of the 'fun'... Tomorrow's the big day! I fly at 10.25 tomorrow morning and will arrive in Barcelona at 13.35 local time, and I've booked some flat viewings for the afternoon to find somewhere to live :) 

Anyways I won't waffle any more for now, love you all loads and all I can say is you'd better be planning out when you're coming to visit! :p 

Wish me luck!

Take care kids xxxxxxxx

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