Tuesday 30 September 2008

chilled out :)

Weyyy! Wow, time is going really fast, I can't believe I posted that last entry last Thursday and now it's Monday! Crazy!

Today was soo boring at work, but huzzah, another Monday over with! I'm officially moved into my flat now :D and I love it! Was sunbathing on the terrace yesterday :) 25 degrees and sunny, perfect!! Over the weekend we had a pretty chilled Friday night because we were so knackered..watched a film with Alex and Montse (Steph's flatmates) and just vegged out in front of the tv. Had a fantastic lie in which I was much in need of! Saturday night we went out and had a very random night, getting offered discounted entry and drinks in bars and taking whichever offers we could find, drinking sangria and ridiculously generous helpings of spirits while talking in English/Spanish/French to anyone who said hi...another night of stumbling in at 6.30am...fun times! So that wrote off Sunday for another week hehe. Got up at about 2.45 (after my first night in a bed for 2 weeks!) and promptly moved myself up to the terrace to catch some rays :D then went for tapas with Steph to satiate our hangover-hunger pangs (this thing called a bomba is our favourite at the moment - it's basically a big round meat croquette with brava sauce on it - amazing!!) and chilled out some more/did some exercise to try and use some of the energy I'd saved up in my awesome sleep..then went to Steph's and made her special chicken/soy sauce/paella rice/veg combination (awesome) and watched Black Books :) 

As I say, today was pretty damn boring, however when work was over we finally escaped into the glorious sunshine and went on a TopShop hunt! We found it :D! though the clothes here are ridiculously expensive compared with England, so I think I'll be saving that particular spree for when I'm back on English soil hehe. I went round the shops nevertheless for a few 'essentials'...hehe...got some candles for the roof and my room :) and some shower gel (extortionate here..!), a lunchbox hehe, and probably my prize purchase, my new slippers! they are soo cute and I was muchly in need of them; my feet have been getting very cold on the laminate flooring! I then got back and ran up to the terrace, hoping to catch the sun before it went down, but alas, it had already hidden behind another block of flats :( so I sat and read for about half an hour before deciding that I was actually too cold to be sat outside in a vest top and shorts 4 floors up...went to the shop and stocked up on our spectacularly cheap vino - €1.99, did I mention?! and awesome! - as well as some things to experiment for tea...chicken pasta salad which didn't turn out half bad! Also, I stuck the telly on as I was eating, and they had Dr Who on - yes, with Billie Piper - in Catalan!! I was greatly amused :p since then i've just been vegging out in my room really; I lit some incense that I bought from a nice man at the bottom of the Rambla last week and now my room smells all warm and welcoming and cosy :) been reading my Spanish book from the library, which is actually by Will Self, and is a bit bizarre from what I can make out..! Oh well hehe. So tomorrow is another day, but hopefully I'll catch the sun tomorrow! Gym membership starts on Wednesday :) looking forward to it, it's very swanky! 

Love you all loads, get those flights booked yeah?! Come and catch the warm weather!! 


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