Tuesday 16 September 2008

Sodding unpaid labour...

Hey hey kids!

Just got my Mac out (am still at Steph's so have just been stealing her PC for internet until now - her net gave way last night so thought I'd try mine and, lo and behold, it works! Huzzah!) so thought I'd update seeing as I'm sat in the flat while Steph does a 3 hour Spanish class - really don't envy her after spending the day at work! The days here seem pretty stupidly long - we get up at 8.30 to go to work - something I am managing astoundingly well for me at the moment! - and then work from 10 til 4 (which wouldn't be bad at all if it weren't so arse-chewingly boring...sorry that just came into my head!), and usually nip round the shops for various things afterwards, before catching the metro back to ours and chilling out for a bit before giving in to hunger and rustling something up. The Spanish guys here probably think we're so weak for how early we start cooking; we resisted til about 9.30 on Saturday and Sunday but last night we were cooking by about 8; work really builds up an appetite! Then we mostly veg out and watch Spanish tv or chat with Pepo (Steph's flatmate, pretty much the only one who's in in the evenings at the moment) and go to bed about 1am. Phew! 

Work is fine, I know I complain but it is good really, everyone's really nice, though there are about 7 of us plus 2 bosses in the whole company..! The lift is really amusing, I feel like I'm in Harry Potter whenever we get in it...it's a bit like a Victorian carriage from a horse and cart, but in a lift shaft..with a wrought metal case around it acting as the outer door...it's comedy! Work isn't too bad but I think I've just been set some pretty basic stuff to do to start me off; I've just been working on smaller event articles (they're on the website! www.valenciaconnect.com , they're pretty much the ones without photos lol, there are 6 of them) which is annoying cause the word count is so small so you don't really get to write interesting stuff, it's more about fitting the words to it; but my boss said tomorrow she'll probably set me a bigger article to do which is great :) time seems to pass sooo slowly though, even though it's only about 5 1/2 hours a day I end up doing! However, the way I'm looking at it is it at least gives me something to do, which will hopefully improve my Spanish (there are several English people there but the guy next to me only speaks Spanish and the girl on my right consequently speaks to him in Spanish all the time, not to mention the Spanish radio and Spanish websites I have to trawl through) and which keeps me out of the centre frittering away my money on clothes (which would be soooo easy, I'm dying to go shopping!!) 

Steph and I went and bought some trainers yesterday so we can start running - this office lifestyle really isn't great for the health! I've decided that I'll probably end up with RSI in my hands from typing so much, and I'll probably come back blind as a bat from staring at a screen all day... so in an effort to combat that, we'd better do some exercise so at least all the gorgeous Spanish food we can't get enough of doesn't stick to us :p Speaking of which, when Steph gets in tonight we're going for tapas :D yay!...I think the thing I spend most on at the moment is food....and also apparently the tap water's disgusting so we've been buying bottles...only 37 cents for 1.5L but still, I'd rather not pay for water (you know what I'm like with water!) so I may risk trying that out at some point, who knows. And there's the deposit I have to pay on my flat....Still haven't moved in yet because Steph's out tonight and I don't think I could manage my suitcase on my own up 3 flights of stairs!, and also because Maria wasn't sure if she'd be in, and the other girl doesn't move in til next week, so I'd rather hang out at Steph's where people will be. Quite excited though, I really want to get out on the rooftop terrace while the sun's still around! They keep saying on the weather that it's going to get colder, but at the moment it's a really comfortable warm temperature so a little bit colder would be no real loss to be honest. Hoping I get to build up a tan! :) 

So yeah, everything's good here, hope work gets a bit more exciting but then, it is work after all..! And I do occasionally sneak a look on Facebook at work if anyone's usually online between the hours of 9 and 3 :p! Keep in touch kids, miss you all loads (goes without saying!) come and visit me! Am in the process of finding out when Christmas hol is so I can book flights :) 

loads of ginger love xxxxxxxx

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